Catching Up…

I have fallen behind on my posts for SOLC 2015 in the last few days and I realized how much I’ve missed my writing time each night.  So I am catching up with some thoughts I’ve had over the last few days.

SOLC Post #5

#magical moment

As I was checking in with Twitter on Wednesday night and I saw many TCRWP #magicalmoment posts, I thought “How is it possible that the day a truly magical moment happened, Twitter was overflowing with magical moment posts?”  Magical moments happen frequently with students but this day, it was a BIG moment!

My magical moment was the incredible, thoughtful conversation that occurred during a read aloud of Chapter 1 of I am Malala to 5th graders.  Conversations about freedoms we are afforded her in the U.S. and our bill of rights, comparisons of democracy and dictatorships and the great love that parents have for their children.  This was all a result of Chapter 1! It truly was magical!  It was a breakthrough! I am full of excitement to begin the next chapter and experience the wonderful conversations that I feel await us.


SOLC Post #6

Breaking down walls…

Today was a day where I felt like a few walls came down.  I shared my blog with a group of students I’m working with and read my #LOL post as well as the poem I wrote to them- “I Care”.  It was a little strange sharing these thoughts out loud to them but I felt compelled to do so.  I told them how much I really do care… ABOUT THEM.


SOLC Post #7 


It is the day before our Spring Break and I am feeling refreshed which is the how I always feel when I am with my coach colleagues on our professional development days.  I was only able to attend the afternoon session today but what a great session it was today. We sketched out plans for our “Curriculum of Talk” (which we learned about from Jennifer Seravallo last week) for Grades K-5.  Before we started we watched and debriefed the TCRWP vimeo of the group of 5th graders discussing The Tiger Rising and Bud, Not Buddy. I never tire of this video and I gain something new from watching it.  One of my table mates shared what struck her aas she watched was that when you think skills across the bands of text, they were so clearly evident throughout their conversation and the prep work done before the conversation.  To me, I saw the results of starting this talk in Kindergarten…evidence of the work started young yet you hear those same phrases and questions just at a much higher level of conversation.  “What do you mean by that?”, “I think…because…”, “I agree with you because…”, “This is important because…” That is what is so powerful to me when I watch that video…it was such a huge “A-Ha” for me the first time I saw it and still resonates with me each time I see it.  Talking about books is a beautiful thing!

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Keep going, keep going, keep going


What a powerful word in so many contexts.  Today, I was reminded once again of the power of strength we have in our minds, body and soul as we read a biography of Sabriye Tenberken and then shared stories of incredibly strong people we know or have read about with each other.  I shared the  story of an amazing lady who has been an example to the world of the power of strength – both mentally, physically, spiritually – and what it means to push yourself toward a goal after life has given you a physical challenge that many in the world will never have before them.  She exemplifies the mantra that my daughter’s high school swim coach told her swimmers when they set new goals for themselves or facing an incredible challenge in sport or in life… “you have more in you than you think, tell yourself, just keep going”.

The story of Sabriye, the story of Ben Underwood (a student shared with me today) and the story I shared sparked an amazing conversation with students of the strength we all have within us and the power we have to overcome some of life’s most challenging moments.

I am honored to personally know this individual whose story I shared with students – she is an inspiration to me and continues to set and conquer incredible, amazing goals. She is a champion in the truest sense and is currently sharing her own story via her column/blog for Runner’s World.

Another inspiring and strong individual…another champion…Kid President.

Thank you to the everyday champions who walk among us…big or small, young or old….thank you.

Reflecting on the days events and these are the thoughts that came out…

“I care…”  Inspired by Miss G. 

I want to paint it on every wall

I want to wear a GIANT sign with the letters in bold and  ALL CAPS.

I want you to know that “I care.”

I will care about you if you’re angry,

I will care about you when you’re here,

I will care about you when you’re gone,

I will care about you even if you don’t seem to care.

Don’t worry, I will still be here.

And I want you to know that

it’s okay to dream BIG.

it’s okay to take risks.

it’s okay to make mistakes.

But most of all I want you to know

I care.


I will NOT give up on you.

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As I sat watching a repeat episode of the “Big Bang Theory” tonight, I was reminded how important it is to laugh…to just enjoy the funny moments in life, whether it is a funny selfie taken with your dog, your husband and daughter creating silly, random games (which occurs regularly in my house) or watching your favorite TV show and laughing out loud…it’s important. Laughter truly can be the best medicine often prescribed at the exact moment in time when we need it.

Laughter can break that awkward silence, break through emotional walls, extend a lifeline to a new relationship or repair an old one. Bottom line…we all need it. Every. Single. Day.

IMG_0167Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 9.13.46 PM Day 2 Slice of Life Challenge Complete. 🙂


A Book Can Change Your Life…

Kindergarten = my comfort zone.  5th grade = NOT my comfort zone.  I admit I was a bit nervous about my upcoming reading lessons in 5th grade. The cause of my nervousness was NOT that many of these students tower over my 4’11’’ stature OR the fact that I have never taught 5th grade (remember the world of Kindergarten is my comfort zone) but the cause was a question that had been looming over me for a few days, “could I make a difference in their reading lives and get them to offer up some love to reading during my short time with them?” Book Whisperer spirit channeled and books in hand, I entered the classroom and sat down with these children. As I shared the books I am currently reading, I picked up a book I have recently come to treasure and said, “You know guys, books have the power to change your life. In fact, this book in my hand changed mine.” A few seconds later a hand went up . M, with a look of confusion mixed with curiosity, asked,  “Mrs. Davies, you said that book changed your life?  Well, how?”  I shared the storyline with the kids and explained that the book, which I literally found on my way to check out at the bookstore a few days before Christmas, profoundly affected me as a teacher. The story prompted me to want to raise awareness for children who suffer from hunger and for children who age out of the foster care system. When I bought the book I thought it might be a story similar to Wild by Cheryl Strayed and I gravitate toward stories about life journeys and finding yourself but it turned out to be so much more.

M’s response to my answer was “Ohhhh……”.

The book, by the way, is A Walk to Beautiful by Jimmy Wayne.  I am growing and learning right along with these students and I hope that my love of reading might rub off on them during our little journey together.